Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The past few weeks

Well our first month of school is done and we've had both successes and failures. Day by day Caleb is becoming more compliant. I think it is partly due to him getting used to the routine and what is expected of him, but mostly due to me figuring out what works best for his learning style. He LOVES arts and crafts and colouring so I have been incorporating that into his work (while Nate has written assignments). Caitlin is still eager to do "work" as well which has been a big blessing this year. Last year my biggest struggle was keeping her out of trouble. This year she is content to sit with us and do worksheets or colour or paint or play with busy bags. We still have lots to improve on and change up but I think overall it is going well. The kids are loving the history curriculum and occasionally I catch them incorporating what they've learned into their playtime. 

We've been doing a weekly co-op with two other families and it has been going great!!! We originally had hoped to have a space to meet (like a church) but after insurance complications we have just rotating between homes. It's been working way better than I thought it would. Our main goal is French and Art. I've been teaching the French lessons and the other two moms have been alternating doing the art lessons and keeping the two younger girls occupied. 
Here are some pics from the past few weeks at co-op:

Painting self portraits

Painting is more fun with a tutu on :)

We went for a nature walk this past week through a conservation area. The kids saw a snake, snails, caterpillars, butterflies, deer poop, birds, a stream, a meadow and lots more!! Then we learned many of those words in French. We also collected pine cones for a future art project. The fall colours were beautiful. Caitlin did not appreciate the length if the walk and I ended up carrying her for half the trip. 

We took a field trip to the zoo this month as well. The kids were super excited about the new pandas. We did a small unit study on them before we went to the zoo so they were excited to see all of the info they had learned be reaffirmed at the exhibit. 

Homeschooling is so challenging but oh so rewarding! I am truly blessed!!!

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