Monday, 28 October 2013


Ugh. As I look around my house and see the toys strewn everywhere, the sticky mess on the table, the dishes piled up in the sink, the crumbs all over the floor, the gobs of toothpaste all over the bathroom counter, the urine spots on the floor from boys who constantly miss the toilet, the piles of laundry that never seem to get any smaller, the grass that hasn't been mowed in over a month, and so much more, I am just overwhelmed once again and feeling like a failure. Why is it so hard to keep up with everything?  I know people say that a dirty house isn't the end of the world but it sure feels like it to me. It's just another thing on my list of things I'm not doing well. I know I've blogged about this feeling before but it just seems to be constantly on my mind. I just want better. For myself, for my kids, for my husband. Even battles that I'm "winning" are plagued with failures. 

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. So frustrated. 

1 comment:

  1. No one is perfect, and no one ever will be perfect. There are priorities in life, and sometimes a clean house is not one of them. When I see your life, I see a whole ton of accomplishments - things I never dreamed you would ever do. So when you get that overwhelmed feeling, it is likely a nudge that perhaps something needs to be changed. Maybe it's including clean-up time into the school schedule. But, continue to dream big, continue to listen as God whispers to you about projects that are dear to His heart, continue to develop your creative teaching side, and continue to be the wonderful daughter that you are.
