Thursday, 9 May 2013

Forest Garden

For the past two weeks we have been going to a program called "The Forest Garden" on Thursdays. It is held in a wooded area that has a cabin and a pond and a firepit and lots of places to explore. It is a nature program and the kids have been learning about how to keep a nature journal. This week they learned about trilliums and had a bird nest making challenge.  

Alot of then families that we have met at the gym time in Newmarket and the co op are there as well as lots of new faces. There is a whole troop of boys that love stomping around together through the woods. This week some of the boys' favourite friends were missing and they were sad about that. But they still had a good time. 

Caitlin making her nest:

The boys and their nest:

Working in journals and making crafts:

Using the outhouse ;)

Being silly at snack time:

A trillium after its leaves have changed colour: 

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