Monday, 22 October 2012

Feeling very down today

We just got back from Windsor late last night and I'm really struggling today. Tim ran a half marathon yesterday and I am so proud of him.  But I think it has hit me really hard because it is reminding me of how far I am from the goals that set for myself at this time last year.  I was going to finally get in shape and be healthy and I was doing great.  I lost almost 40 pounds and was loving being active again. Then we moved back to Ontario and I fell off the wagon and haven't been able to get back on.  If I had stuck with the track I was on, I could have run that race with Tim but instead I was on the sidelines.  I'm just really disappointed in myself.  And then to top it off I received an email yesterday from a friend that really threw me for a loop.  I'm feeling very misunderstood and alone. AND I have a major headache from being sleep deprived and emotional. ARGH!  ARGH! ARGH!  No homeschooling has been done yet today because I just can't stop crying. 

Going to take the kids for a walk to try and clear my head....

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